Target Field
Opening Day – ‘Get Ready’
With Target Field nearing completion, Target (along with the Twins) needed to get the message out to Minnesotans far and wide that outdoor baseball was back in town - and boy howdy, was it ever going to be great to watch a ball game outdoors again.
Fans were excited. But were they ready? Many —most, had been wrongfully incarcerated for decades, stuck in a foul world of indoor baseball known as the Metrodome, That much time inside will leave a mark on every fan.
But Twins fans are a resilient tribe. We felt with a little encouragement, and perhaps a little training, we could get them ready for some outdoor baseball.
While the brand launch was comprehensive, it only stood to reason that if we were promoting outdoor baseball it was imperative to find or create every opportunity we could to take our message outdoors, too.
So that’s exactly what we did.

While the Twins were able to finally win a few, the real winners were the fans who flocked to the new stadium to experience the wonder of outdoor baseball.
The campaign was a home run, too, taking home more than its fair share of hardware from the award shows, including some Gold and Silver from the Obies.